My aim is to personalise the house and make a bespoke design, made in Italy.

I always loved houses, their interiors, their past stories, the scents they emanate, the layering of objects, the memories they carry.
When choosing to which university to enrolled in I found myself at a crossroad between architecture and art history. When thinking about it I understood that perhaps architecture was not suitable for me as it was too long and rigid. I wanted to graduate as quickly as possible to be able to work, see museums and travel. Hence I chose history of art that I attended with joy and passion. Not satisfied with this degree, due to my curiosity to understand better the somewhat hidden world of art, I enrolled in the faculty of restoration with a philosophical direction. In the meantime my interest in the interiors and furniture was i growing, over the years there was certainly no lack of opportunities to change the houses where I lived. Tired of seeing the same tables in many houses I went to, I decided to make one for my self.
I like to be impressed by the things that surround me, in which I always find something that reminds me of my childhood, my travels or of my studies.